Purchases for 2023/2024

Sasha"s Project £5000

Lions Club for Prostate Screening £3000

All Saints church for a wheelchair £350

Occupational Health for upper limbs £1300

Outpatients new TV

Physiotherapy dept for new equipment £5000

Fleet Food Pantry £500

Purchases for 2022/2023

Sasha"s Project £10,000

Syringe Driver for Palliative care £9500

Palliative Care in the Community £50,000

Purchases for 2020-2021

Strawberries and Cream for patients and staff at Calthorpe Ward at Farnham Hospital

Primroses for staff at Fleet Hospital - as a lifter during Covid

Cushions for Occupational Therapy Department for patient comfort in the community 

Purchases 2018/2019

Funds to repaint the Front  of the Hospital

Ophthalmic Microscope for Outpatients Department

Urology Scanner for Outpatients Department -£44,000.00

Equipment for Occupational Therapist - This will equip a van dan driver , to support residents to stay at home at

 home in times of crisis.

Motor Bike for the Emergency Service - This delivers and collects blood and specimens for the local hospitals

 (This is a charity)

Funding for the palliative care service local residents - Over 5 years

Provision of Plants and volunteers for the Patient Garden

New disabled chair for the Calthorpe Ward

Donation to the Samaritans to enable them to upgrade the service equipment and working area

Cheque to Phyllis Tuckwell

Donation of cheque to Phyllis Tuckwell

Hand over

Handover to The Samaritans for new workstations and equipment

Purchases 2017

The Friends support many requests from the hospital and community, we have donated £6,000 towards the Lions Prostate screening evenings. 

Purchases made for the hospital:-

  • Molift raiser to enable patients to achieve a safe sit to stand transfer
  • Pat slide which helps to transfer patients from their own bed to a profiling bed when entering end of life care in the community.
  • A treadmill for use in the physiotherapy dept. 
  • New Christmas decorations for the hospital, 
  • New chairs for the patients bedside
  • New garden furniture for both patients and staff
  • A lockable drugs fridge for the new midwifery clinic. 

Father Christmas - Christmas Fair

More helpersFun at the Fair

Thanks for your help!Working hard at the fair

The Christmas Fair held at All Saints Church Hall on Saturday 25th November 2017 was a great success we raised £ 772.10 on the day.   

Street Collection 2017 - This year the street collection raised £ 133.00 a big thank you to all those who helped.

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Purchases this year 2015/2016 include:-

Garden Plants and Bulbs for the Hospital

Bed for the to Occupational Therapy Department in the hospital - This enables patients to practice getting in and out of a bed similar to those used in the home setting.  This helps with their rehabilitation, aiding a smooth transition from hospital to home.

For the Calthorpe Ward

A Leg elevator 

An Alarm Cushion

A Urinalysis Machine

A Pulseoximeter

A Food Trolley for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice - ensuring that patients meals are kept hot during delivery to the bedside.

We have also received a request for a blood analysing machine for the Diabetic Nurse to use in her clinics at the hospital.

Charity No: 1169526

Dr Massouh ScanningFirst response ambulance

AED Bakers Automatic Emergency Defibrilator on the wall at Bakers, Fleet.

2023 Purchases to Physio

Rehab equipment

IMG 1551

IMG 1552

IMG 1553